Leeds Castle: The Loveliest Castle in the World, Perhaps

Can one person fairly judge what’s “the world’s best”?

Lord Conway, an early 20th century historian, deemed Leeds Castle as “the loveliest castle in the world.” How many he’d seen prior to making this declaration is unknown. Nonetheless, the moniker has stuck.

Maybe he admired how the castle sits on 500+ acres and straddles a lake formed by the River Len. Its moat certainly distinguishes it from Windsor Castle or even Buckingham Palace. And the elegant gardens feature a giant maze that delights all guests.

This 900-year-old grand dame has undergone numerous alterations inside and out as she passed through the hands of British clergy, wealthy landowners and even Henry VIII. He made sure that this home away from home (about 45 miles from London) had all the comforts he and Catherine of Aragon needed.

Now commoners can roam throughout the castle, exchange their vows on the grounds, even sleep in one of the rooms or go glamping in the vineyards. We wonder what ol’ Henry would think about that.

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