Luging in Queenstown: Breathtaking Fun

The word luge conjures up images of adrenaline-seeking athletes who plow down mountainsides, feet first on sleek fiberglass sleds. They willingly lie on their backs and basically turn their bodies into bullets hurtling down icy tracks up to 87 miles per hour, barely lifting their heads to see. This is their idea of fun.

New Zealanders are known for being like lugers, adrenaline junkies willing to try just about anything as a way to show how much they love life. So, it’s no surprise that Queenstown features a luge run. Fortunately, it’s tamer than for those seeking gold medals. A lot tamer. Those who straddle this non-motorized go-kart like contraption can do so sitting upright while viewing everything. (Wise move. It’d be a shame to miss this panoramic mountain vista.) Gravity is what propels these riders downhill, similar to the Olympians. Yet, they’re not subjected to the risk of slamming into icy boards, plus they can steer and brake with handlebars. This is a much saner idea of fun.

If you enjoyed this story in our series, you may also enjoy two other stories about Queenstown including a walk along the Moonlight Track or dining in one of the more unusual cafes. We also invite you to learn more about this incredible country in The Unguidebook: New Zealand’s South Island.